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2019 GET Show
post time: 2019-5-16  hits: 9186

GET SHOW 2019 ended on May 11th and we had a great time with all friends from all around the world! During the exhibition, we presented our LED FAN, SUPER BEAM 100, LED SCANNER, BSW 250LED, NEW WDMX Controller and so on. The LEDFAN is an eyecatcher that attracted lots of visitors from domestic and abroad because of its brightness and stunning effects. And the BSW 250LED is a truely 3in1 hybrid moving head. It features a powerful 250W LED light source, wide beam angle range from 5.5° to 30° and with filter frost for wash. So, it has the ability to switch between a beam, spot and wash. The brand new WDMX is using the new G5 wireless radio cards from WIRELESS SOLUTION and with the new functions of the LED indicators which shows the wireless signal status during the usage. And with the extra button added, you can easily switch between transmitter and receiver by press the button. Also the RDM function is included in the new model. It is specially designed for mobile applications and the rental events. Finally, We would like to thank all the friends for supporting and visiting us! We will make more efforts in the future in order to provide you with better products and services. We look forward to seeing you again on 16th - 19th Feb, 2020 GET SHOW!

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